Attitude Vs Aptitude
hmm, I always thought that Aptitude is more important than Attitude... I belived that Attitude is just but a conviction, a feeling. But Aptitude is a talent.. a traits than can never be gain, thus i thought that it was more important.. But, one of my friend just told me sth then make me realised the importance of Attitude.
Well, my fren and I always play MMORPG games together.. I always wondered why were they better than me.. I always think that they had some 'secret training' or some sort of things that will help them to win. But I was wrong.. In games and even in life, a bad habit of mine is that I always try to look for a short cut.. But there is no short cut.. When I fail to find a short cut, i give up.. One reason, why i'm not as successful as I could have been is because I always gave up to easily.. Example, if I lose in a game, I'll quit... Instead of thinking that I should train harder to win, I gave up.. This remind me of a current skill that I realised I lack.. The skill of leading. Well, in my CG, ex-CG and even among my friends, I was never or rarely a leader. My role was always so support the leader. However, I was given a chance to lead yesterday. I screwed up. Its not because of the screw up that caused me to be disappointed. Its cause after failing to lead, I started to think that i wasn't cut out to lead.
Talent VS hardwork. Attitude VS Aptitude. I guess its time I change my point of view.
Wow, so I just finished my christmas rehersal for MM... and to my horror, it was raining so havily haha.. to cut the long story short, I realised that I might have missed the last bus to go to my house, furthermore, its raining CATSS and DOGSS.... Then, i saw this middle age guy at the same bus stop as me... SO the holy spirit prompt me to talk to him... We converse in chinese and well I invited him to mandarin service this Sunday !! and he was very interested !! So excited... its so cool lar.. after he left, I realised that there's very little chance that my bus will come.. So i had to walk 15 min in the rain to my house... but i really understand what it means to Give thanks in all circumstances.. =) I LOVE YOU GOD !
Oh well.. lazy to wait for the blogger upload photo thingy so i will just post 5 photos.. and I'll let the pictures do the talking =)
Presenting to you !!! NED !!!!!
Presenting to you, MY BELOVED SHEEP
who allow me to be an armor barrer to my CL ! thx =)This is quite random.. but oh well, i will see this scenario soon !
So i was here chatting at night... shan was taking the pic
And TADA !! DONNY !! This is his look after knowing that........
Camp photos and affirmation
Desmond !!
Media, Lights, Sound
LOVING Sheepmate Andre
Yep, feel kinda mel now.. I love the night.. Well, I'm in my comfort zone now.. as in physically... I love to stay here.. With my laptop (or rather my dad's) sitting on the sofa... =/
Things i learnt during camp
Oh well, I'm a very lazy person... I shall just type some things i learnt during camp rather than the happenings
1) Breakthorugh Begins With A First Step. A First Step Of Faith. A First Step Of Courage.
well, I realised that how God use David bro is when he first step out of his comfort zone. One example is when he went into some country when when he know that he might not be able to get a return visa.
2) When you give your best, your hardwork will not be invain
Example is the translator who decided to plant church.
Well, i think its really true to say God is more excited and passionate to see people convert then you are. So, I belief that God will bless us and help us. It makes no sense if we are not empowered when we do His works !!
Fruit of the spirit..
hmm so i realised God has been testing me in the fruit of the spirit...
Love, joy, peace, patience (has been cleared..) God's whats ur next test ? I'm ready for it !
MM; Service
I kinda miss studying..... The times where time passes so slow..All right !! Whatever.... anw on fri, had MM training for camp... Was super duper cool... Inspired by Hillsongs' video editing and their filming... Well, according to Aloy, our technology is lagging 15 years behind hillsong... haha.. AND WE HAVE NO CRANES !!!! Well, camp is gona be real exciting... a big breakthrough for y-hope in its MM uh ? with its HIGH-TECH walkie talkie which makes you can't rebel.. bah... Jiayi said we have to work harder in our chemistry... =/ *winks at kieth*Oh well, so i had service today.. Lost my phone, but thank God i found it.. actually, i kinda wasn't worried about my lost phone... don't know why leh... Praise was great! Well, learn to praise God regardless of our mood =)
Tmr have CoreTeam meet... I shall not be late... I must not be late... I cannot afford to be late...