Well, today went to ride bicycle with Marcus and Eevann... I almost died.... We were like riding on the pavement beside the road... and if i just fall of the bicycle, i would be instantly rolled over by the car and become minced meat... furthermore, i'm not good at riding a bike... so.. yea... Thank God i'm still alive... Anw, we road all the way from my house to potong pasir and then to bishan and back again... my butt hurts !!! we didn't really rest.... and the seat it SUPER DUPER uncomfortable.. I'm never gona ride bicycle again !! Thank God for Cars, Mrt and Taxi !! and the fact that i don't live in china ! yea.. amen...
Anyway, went to some MM video class this morning.. hmm.. learnt some stuf and did some practical training i guess... Went home with lun talking about many things.. Well, Kiss dating goodbye sounds rather interesting after lun describe it.. guess i'll read it.. 2 more days to end of sos i guess... JIA YOU BA NorthEast!!
A random thought came to my mind.. What if I was transfered to another district after o lvls... what if I can't make it into a NE JC or go poly... =/ haiz, for your ways are higher God... let ur will be done....
Yeah !~ so last sunday my dad brought me to sim lim square to buy ME a camera<< (not my sister's since she's trying to claim ownership of it.)
My Camera (not esther's camera) !!!Oh well, so i woke up early today to go to the bible study course. Went to eat breakfast with lin, my dear SB. We ate chee kueh
$1 for 4... Market food is indeed cheap and nice..Bible class was well... abit.. too lengthy.. it reminds me of lesson in school.. so i feel asleep once(deliberately =X)... Well, was really tired.. oh well, still i did lean about some stuff..
=/ tmr's another new day... i have 60 of these days to go !~ I hate these days of waiting for my results. They say what you don't know, don't hurt.. I don't really agreee....
O lvls are over
O LVLS ARE OVER !!! WHOOO !! what now.... =/
It should have sounded more like... o lvls are over... what sld i do now.... =(
How sian.. I really have nothing to do... The bad thing is, I'm lazy to do anything.. well, that includes playing... so i'm bored to death..
Today i went to RC to play risk.. its super no life... I KILLED SUNNY !! HAHA !! AND HE DIED SO FAST !! I ROCK =)
So, thats about my day... how sad... i shall sleep and sleep and sleep for the rest of the 3 months !~
God's word
The Word Of GodYeah God.. thanks for sustaining me throughout this race.. Well, The word of God is indeed powerful... So many times, verses just encourages me, teach me and help me to stand up... Its indeed my daily bread..-Loves the WOG
2 Chronicles 7:14 (New International Version)
2 Chronicles 7:14 (New International Version)if my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then will I hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and will heal their land.Going into worship is what christians do everyday... But, when is it that we really humble ourselves.. and seek God.. When is it that we really quieten our hearts and listen to the still small voice of God... When is it that we, servents of GOd, would stop asking for more gifts and blessing... And simply adore Hhim and worship Him..
The good old days...
Oh !~ The Good old days ! Where O'lvls is not even in my dictionary ~ The days where I played computer like there's no tomorrow... haha... interesting how much SA CG has grown... Very remarkable uh..So, helped out with SA CG today.. very interesting bunch of new Bs... *ouch my stomach still hurts*... The glory of the pressent house is indeed glorious then the glory of the pass house... oh well, can't wait for Olvls to finish.. I'm left with A maths and combi sci MCQ... got 2 more days to study for A maths P1.. quite long actually... oh well, time to sleep...
(isn't the colour intresting ?)
hmm i noticed sth intresting. Why is it that whenever we look at photographs of the past, we will always realised that how stupid our hair style was?
My greatest love is you
My Greatest Love Is You !Well, exams are finally drawing to an end.. hiaz, have been sighing alot recently, i also donnoe why... Well, really thank God for carrying me during this examination, i can say i really did my best... Oh well, YJC seems so near... maybe poly seems nearer... haha.. up to God lar..What is the fullest potential of peace in God's pressence ? I really wana feel it...
hiaz.. peace of GOd
Psalm 121 (NIV)
A song of ascents.
1 I lift up my eyes to the hills— where does my help come from?
2 My help comes from the LORD, the Maker of heaven and earth. 3 He will not let your foot slip— he who watches over you will not slumber;
4 indeed, he who watches over Israel will neither slumber nor sleep.
5 The LORD watches over you— the LORD is your shade at your right hand;
6 the sun will not harm you by day, nor the moon by night.
7 The LORD will keep you from all harm— he will watch over your life;
8 the LORD will watch over your coming and going both now and forevermore.
Oh well, time really flies.. Just 3 more days to O'lvls... well, i might say its just another examination but i'm kinda nervous.. hah.. oh well, really regretted not studying from the beginning of the year.. but still, what doen cannot be undone =/
Oh well, my future is kinda uncertain now.. Haha.. Just do my best lar !~ Anw, it seems like this year is kinda eventful.. well, its drawing to an end soon.. December camp !! yeah !! a place where breakthrough happens... don't you agree dear Alvin ?
The twelve disciples
Peter, Andrew, James, John, Philip, Nathanael, Matthew and Thomas (not yet read about the other james, simon and the two judas) All of them are great people...
Peter: his boldness for God
Andrews: He sees the value in insignificant things
James: His passion !
John: His love for people
Philip: A skeptic whose weakness was turn into strength.
Nathanael: His sincere heart
Matthew: His Yearning for God
Thomas: His love for God. He actually rather die than to be seperated from God
Wow.. but most of all, its Jesus who change all of them... I'm really amazed how God can use the simple people around.. God will exalt the humble and humble the exalted.. All of this perople.. Simply followed God.. God, i wana be like them.. I wana be used greatly, I wan to have the same love for you and passion for you as they have..