Thank u God
Wana really thank God for a new convert today.. clayton.. My new grandsheep.. haah.. yeah.. wana thank GOd for Jason.. really started working after the camp.. A great testimony
So, today i also wana thank God about many things in my life.. How much he has guided me through and grow me in these areas..
Ministry: Wana thank God for giving me sheeps to take care of.. Really thank him for using me to bring people to him.. Wana thank God for my spiritual Gifts.. i really treasure them.. Especially the gift of prophecy.. It really help me to speak into peoples life.. Wana thank God for always speaking to me.. telling me stuff that i ought to do.. God i know i am weak.. Really thank you for using me... using me as a vessle to speak to people; to touch people's life; to touch people's heart.
Family: Wana thank God for giving me a loving and giving Dad.. who will give me anything i ask for.. and is continually loving me !! Wana thank GOd for my Mom.. who will cook anything for me when i simply ask her.. Wana thank God for my Sis.. eventhough we can be different at times.. haahah... She's really loving........
Studies: Wana thank God for helping me improve in my attitude in studying.. But God !! I hope i can really really really sit down and study so as to glorify ur kingdom !!
Lastly, just wana thank God for God... U are simply so loving lar God !! U came and change me life... and i never felt so peaceful, so joyful before... really leh God.. Who am I compared to your glory !? I'm just like a speck of dust.. so.. oblivious... So small.. so insignificant.. Yet.. You Choose me... You Called me... Out of so many people.. throughout the whole history of the earth.. you purposely choose me.. I am so so so so so so so greatful... How can I live without You God.. you are simply amazing... I simply just stand here before you in wide open wonders.. i'm just amazed at the power of your love.. God !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! U ROCK !!!!!!! And nothing is gona change my love for you !!
Trip to bishan..
Alright.. so after the District Mobilization thingy, Donavan Told me that if I don't cut my hair by tmr, someone is gona do it for me.. So, i reached home. Bathe and take my dinner and went to Bishan.. (quite far form my house.. around a 30-45 min ride) Went out at 1930H.. Cut my hair and then decided to go BCC to find sunny.. When i was there, i saw the NEE people.. I was like WOW !! so inspired.. so late still studying.... and stupid sunny was no where in sight.. his beg is placed on the table but he's not there.. (sld have thrown his beg out for fun and then tell him I threw it out cause they put there No reservations of seat) Sunny must Have Gone eating AGAIN... Oh well reach home and its so late.. gotta start doing my English holiday hw !~ Sian !~
You i'm living for
You I'm Living ForI look to be like You
in all I do in this world
I want to be with You
Draw me so close to You right now
No one can take from me
the love we have between us
I want to say
THANK YOUfor giving Your life for me my God
I'm gona run to You
I'm gona get to You
If its the last thing I ever do
It's You i'm living forAll the I do I DO IT FOR YOUIts You i'm living forAll that I have I give it to You I give it to YouI wana feel Your touch
I Wana Know your love
I wana be right where You are
Amen !
MM retreat !! + SS
23 June 06 - Had NE training class.. !! REAL COOL!! But had ta leave a little early to meet wei lun for MM+lights retreat.. =) Met wei lin with Julian at City hall MRT... Because we did not know where exactly is Sunshine Plaze Condo (Retreat venue) we had to ask around.
Stranger 1: near little india
Stranger2: near Bugis
Stranger3: near Dhoby Ghaut
At the end of the day, its actually somewhere in among all of them... (Opposite park lane).. After all long walk (which wei lun likes..) we findally reached the Condo.. went up to the Roof (bbq pit) and started to erm.. get settled.. So we eat and eat till the sun sets.. We had some game.. I lost !!! and had to do some dance... haha !! there was affirmation.. and Hui Li told us some areas that she wana see improvement in the MM + lights ministry... Yeah and i headed home in a cab.. too lazy to walk to mrt.. besides, it was rather late... Went home chat on phone with steph and then slept at around 3:45am haah...
24 Jun 06 - Went early to church... Called to see if anyone was early too and found out that Rui Hao was early.. (playing arcade) went to eat.. with him... and then headed to Service... Was really great.. i experienced a different kind of Praise and Worship... Really cool...... sermon was great... Jian cong kept fidgeting HAAHH !!! After service, Went to watch movie - Just my luck... Rather nice... Went home after that~
NED Combine CG
Today was NED's 2nd combine CareGroup !! Alright, due to some reason.. i was late.. When i reached RC... they were half way through in worship.. So,i knock the door *kock kock* waited outside patiently.. nothing happened.. so i knock the 2nd time... still no reaction.. so there were at freewoship.. so i guess they would finish worship soon.. i stood outside in Rc.. waiting.. Suddenly, they started singing again.. so the nice me shall wait outside patiently.. and i begin sitting outside of RC worshipping together in spirit with the rest.. kinda nice actually.. i felt peace ! and Joy while worshipping.. Suddenly.. i heard stomping.. *that means someone is coming to RC... i quickly stand up.. and it was freedy ahha.. ok i think he changed slippers and went off... so its wierd lar.. I waited till they said "Amen" then i knock and tada i was in... Had fun celebrating stephen's b-day !! it rocked !! yeah !! and 1st time i was the last to be in the tao pok !! felt great hearing everyone groan !! muahah !! went home and slept lala !!
I so regret !! i should have went for all the MM trainning classes .. =/ now i can't really edit a video... Thank God for Pamela haah !! Helped me edited video till 1am hhaa !!
I'm sick..... physically.. really sick.. slept whole day..... real sick......... ahhhhhhh sian..
Sorry NED
Really really sorry to all from NED.. realised that I have not been spending time with your alot.. have been MIA suddenly !! haha pai seh.. I see your take pictures i always not inside haha really really sorry !! But really wana thank God for you guys !! In NED, there's always initiative! Yeah !! Thank God for our leaders: Jian Cong, Alvin, Debbie! you guys have been great! Also, lets remember our goal 35.. lets not only reach it !! lets BREAK IT !! The truth is we can't do it.. BUT GOD CAN !!! God can do it through us! just be still and belief in him (we must also work lar).....
Thank God
I forgot to post sth !! yeah.. really wana thank God for saving me *hope my mom not reading this or i will get scold !!
7 Jun 06: Before heading to camp, I was with NEB people and my sheeps... we were at the bus stop.. some of them including me was playing with a ball...
Marcus: hey~ stop playing lar.. dangerous...
Us: Orh orh orh~ (but still kept playing)...
Suddenly, the ball rolled slowly and onto the road.. after i saw that, i dashed to the road and "save" the ball and threw it back into the bus stop and hop back into the bus stop, THE BUS MISSED ME BY A FEW INCHES !!! Everyone was shocked.. i guess.. i was traumatised.. haha... really thank God that he saved me.. its not by coincidence that i am alive.. i believe it !! I believe God have plans for me.. I can't die now !! I have more to do before i leave earth !!
Encounter !~
Yeah ! i'm back from church camp ! A camp which is indispensable !! I wonder how much did i grew in camp !! The camp is just simply great !! well, i must really thank God; I did not really have alot of expectation for this camp; But God still continue to bless me with spiritual growth...
What i learnt in camp: 2 words spirit-filled and love. When you are spirit-filled, you are able to do everything through christ !! (biblical).. You can prophesy, you can heal, you can do miraculous signs etc. However, if you never do all this because of love; because you love God, even if you can move mountains, it'll be of no use (1 cor 13:1-4).....
Lastly wana thank God for my sheep Sunny lim !! HE GREW ALOT ALOT ALOT !!! and I can never ever deny that God is real !! also, wana thank God for jian cong for telling an area of my life that I can improve on !!! Also i wana thank God for the grads group !! They are just great !!!
And Last but definitetly not least, I wana thank God for using me to speak his word !! For loving me !! For bringing me to Y-hope - A place where the youth are out to seek God's heart
Yeah i realised that i really (shen jai fu zhong bu zhi fu): living in a fortunate surrounding yet u don't know that u are really fortunate..
i am living in such a good condition whereby i can serve God without any worries yet, i am not doing my best.. I have no worries in my life- Not at all !! I have all i want !! I can get what i want!! I have no parental objection; no prosecution; no Problems !! And tada !! what am I doing !? wasting time !! haha !~ yeah.. so many people wana serve God but can't serve God fully for somewhat reason.. but haah !~ i am slacking !~ Stupid stupid stupid..........
Many people say i grown bla bla.. yeah.. but its not enough !! I have grown news is so last year !! I WANT NEW NEW NEW NEW NEW NEW NEW NEW TESTIMONY !! EVERYDAY !! SOMETHING NEW !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Fruitful day
yeah ! today is a really fruitful day in terms of ministery.. and a little in studies... My time is welled spend today !! Thank God !! GOD U ROCK !
Jamming !!
Today went Jamming after dnt !!! So FUN !! We all played well !! Hy desmond !! You improved alot !!! My fav part is the free worship part !! WOW !! So nice..
Ok !~ i've set my mind onto Working hard to play keyboard !!