Sunday, October 02, 2005

DOOM !~~

Spend the whole day trying to do my a maths exam paper.. well, didn't really turn out well.. the whole paper i can only do 1 ½ questions out of 12 questions...
trying to think positively... and keep my faith up... i must really work hard for a maths.. now.. i have to keep asking everyone i know to help me or else i will surely get an A1... and thx to jon tan 4 encouraging me with this verse.. "I can do all things through God who strengthens me"... sigh.. i really hope for a miracle to happen.. and i believe it will if i do my best for the rest of the 1 week till my a maths paper...

my dad got a new handphone ... awww.. its so nice.. motorola razor...i am prepared to get a scolding and jeering from the teacher and the class tmr for asking stupid and easy qn... >.<

and the amazing thing abt today is God really use me to talk to people.. I hope there are people reading this.. i really hope that no matter what are u doing, maybe my blog will encourage you a little... wow.. its so late.. there's sch tomorow.. feeling drowsy ~~ zZzZzZz~~


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